Koczánův dům
Někdejší dům místního ševce Ference Koczána je posledním dochovaným selským stavením s valbovou doškovou střechou v našem miniregionu. Od roku 2006 je tento domek z nepálených cihel majetkem Samosprávy města Bük.
Thursday, 20 February 2020
Fat Thursday in Gardonyi Street, Bük
"Fat Thursday s a traditional Christian feast marking the last Thursday before Lent and is associated with the celebration of Carnival. Traditionally it is a day dedicated to eating, when people meet in their homes or cafés with their friends and relatives and eat large quantities of sweets, cakes and other meals usually not eaten during Lent."
The entry is free, but you have to purchase a ticket for the tasting!
Tickets for tasting available in the Culture Centre!