Bükfürdő is located 30 km from Szombathely, 46 km from Sopron and 20 km from Kőszeg. The spa town is situated half-way between Vienna and Lake Balaton, just 10 km from the M86 semi-motorway (Exit 105) which is directly linked to the M1 motorway.
GPS : 47.380617/ 16.787223
Bük, Bükfürdő is located on the Sopron-Szombathely-Szentgotthárd railway line. Easily accessible, the spa town is 18 minutes from Szombathely and 36 minutes from Sopron. There are further connections to Budapest from both towns and to Vienna and Bratislava from Sopron.
Further information, combination tickets and discounts: https://www2.gysev.hu/
In addition to a local bus service between Bük Railway Station and Bükfürdő adjusted to train arrivals and departures, there are also coaches to Budapest, Szombathely, Kőszeg and settlements in the vicinity every day.
Online Times and Timetables: https://menetrendek.hu/
Times and Timetables Hotline: +36 94 312 054 (24 hours a day)