Located on the edge of the town Csepreg, only 5 km from Bükfürdő, our Association of Huntsmen boast an area of 8,050 hectares where lone hunters or shooting parties from inland and abroad are all welcome.
The hunting area is situated at the boundaries of three geographical locations: Felső-Kemeneshát, valley of the Rába and the flat terraced small region of the Rába. Dominant game of the area are red deer, roes and wild boars. Boar hunt is organised for parties of around 20 people. Pleasant climate and a forest of almost 2,400 hectares guarantee an unforgettable experience for hunters. About 250 boars, 30-40 deer and 120-140 roes are shot in a year.
Répcevölgye Hunt Association, Csepreg
Address: H-9737 Bük, Kossuth utca 85.
Further information:
Király Lajos pres, 9737Bük, Kossuth u.85.
Tel/Fax: 00-36-94-358737; 00-36-20-222-97-97
Doma Lajos huntsman: 00-36-20-22-49-450