Kemenes Volcano Park is Hungary’s single museological institution which contains an exhibition about volcanos. The building introduce us the spectacular creatures of nature - volcanoes- on five floors. In this process we use traditional infographics and new, modern interacitve devices too. With these items everybody can find those debates what interested about, so it doesn't matter how old are you, you will find the scientific relaxation what you are looking for.
The volcanic activities accompanied the four and a half billion year-long history of Earth. They influenced the creation of its surface, affected the natural habitat, and helped the people as well: they have provided easily utilisable stones, minerals, fertile soil and renewable energy.
Thousands and thousands have been killed in the devastating eruptions during our history, however, millions live on the natural wealth supplied by the volcanoes.
The Exploration Room offers tangible experiences for both young and old. In addition to volcanoes as expedition targets, models of explosive and geyser eruptions as well as earthquake simulators can be seen here. The special suit of volcano explorers can even be put on.
The Hall of Volcanoes introduces the processes in the depth of the Earth, and the building materials of the volcanoes, as well as the typical shapes that volcanoes may take. The model of Etna, the biggest active volcano of Europe, is seen in the centre of the hall.
The Room of the Universe takes us to the far-away planets and moons of the Solar system, especially, Mars, Venus and the Iupiter-moon Io. In addition to detailed information, interactive space journeys to these celestial bodies can be simulated.
In the Simulation Room the visitor learn about the different lava surfaces. Moreover, lava flows and explosive eruptions, as well as the erosion of volcanoes can be simulated by high-tech computer animations. In the areas between the halls we meet the devastating (cold and hot death) and building forces (geothermal energy, spas and hot springs) of the volcanoes.
In the Volcano Theatre-room the devastating eruptions of the volcanoes in the world, which resulted in the death of several tens of thousands of people in many cases, are introduced in a spectacular film.
In the room of the Volcanoes of the Carpathian Basin: we peep into the astoundingly colourful volcano activities that came to an end only recently, with the help of an animated terrain maquette of the Carpathian Basin.
Ság Hill Room: After we have learnt everything about the volcanoes, as the last station of our tour we can have a rest by the jaw-dropping view of Ság hill, which opens up in front of the visitors.